

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Going Big In Texas Part 2

After some quick practice rounds on Friday, the Nick Hyde Memorial was ready to start. I didn't realize how much I could have used a day off before the tournament, but with losing my go to PD2 a couple of days before and needing to see the lines at Audubon and Harry Myers, it just wasn't going to happen. I felt the majority of my fatigue when it came to my putting. I left myself never really having a chance to make any putts. I wasn't committing to making the putt, I was merely hoping it would go in. I was still able to throw some great drives but never got anything going and tacked on a lot of unnecessary strokes. I was really bummed with how my first round turned out, but the beauty of bigger tournaments you have multiple rounds so you can't let one round bring you down. So after finishing up at Harry Myers we would head to play Audubon. Audubon is a course that gives me a ton of great memories. It is one of my favorite courses in the DFW area and highly suggest people to make it out if they get the opportunity. I grabbed my first ace at Audubon, won my first double tournament there, and have played with a ton of great people. After the frustrating first round I knew I just had to try and piece something together and get myself back into a good place. I started off very slow and picking up a bogey on the hole I aced years ago. I knew there were a ton of holes left to get and I had to keep battling. After erasing my bogeys quickly I would find a way to get on a run and would crush the first 9 holes of the course shooting a solid -7 through holes 1 through 9. I would shoot my third thousand rated round so that was something super positive out of the weekend. I was pumped but I knew Harry Myers was around the corner and I have yet to put up a good round out there and that course would get me again on the final day. I would throw 100 points lower than I did at Audubon, which has made me rethink how I approach the game a bit. What was different between the two rounds? Aside from the course, I noticed that in all of the better rounds I have shot in tournaments I have found myself not thinking about the score or about anything else but throwing and having the most fun in my group. Even when a tree kicks me into the thick, I laugh it off and joke about it and move on. In my first and third round my group consisted of some players who may not have realized how their actions played on other people. I am not blaming them for my performance at all because I was the one throwing the discs and ending up in trouble, but I felt I composed myself in a better manner even when things were going poorly. Maybe it is just how they play and how they find a way to get passed things but I definitely feel things can be taken a lot easier. We are just playing a game and it should be fun. The competitive aspect of it shouldn't bring out the bad it should incite the good and bring a level of enjoyment to all. I have had to look at this myself and is something I am still working on, these past two tournaments were some of the most fun I have had playing because I made them fun and my attitude was right even when I was taking a 7 or a 6 on a hole, it didn't matter because I knew I was playing disc golf and that is a true joy for me. Overall I need to find a way to be more consistent with my rounds. Both tournaments I played in I would shoot one to two great rounds but the other rounds were very poor and would cost me the opportunity of a higher finish. The best thing about playing over the past week and a half I was constantly learning more and more about myself and from others on how to approach the game and what I do best in the game. I am super thankful for the learning experiences I had and will only use them to help build my confidence and skills moving forward. I look forward to when I can be writing one of these posts and I am telling you about more lead cards, cashing, and hopefully soon winning tournaments, but for now I love expressing my thoughts and getting things out. So thank you for anyone who takes the time to read and take in what I have to say.

I asked you guys in my last blog on which Discmania disc you would like me to review and I had 3 responses so I am going to give it another couple of days to see if we can get some more input on what to review. I will however review all the discs people want me to review but I would like to go in order of which is most sought after first. Right now the PD2 has 2 votes, PD and FD both with 1 vote. Comment back what you want me to review! Thanks all you Maniacs who responded.

I am a Discmaniac! Cheers!


  1. TD and TD2! They're not talked about very

  2. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on the above discs and the PD2 as it seems many are weary of trying them.

  3. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on the above discs and the PD2 as it seems many are weary of trying them.

  4. I throw mainly innova, but am wondering if discmania has something comparable to the star boss. If so, would like a review on that disc.
