

Friday, May 11, 2012


Hey there. My name is Eric Oakley. I am 23 years old about to turn 24, I have many interests and have had a hard time finding something to keep my focus. I have pursued a career as a professional soccer player but it was not what I was looking for. But with that behind me I have the chance to go back to school and take time doing something I truly enjoy, Disc Golf. I have been playing off and on for about 7 years. I started playing in high school, but wasn't able to get serious playing the sport because my main focus was on playing soccer. This has been the case up until now.

I recently started playing casually about 3 months ago, and have now decided to play on a serious level. I have been playing on average 6-7 rounds a week, sometimes more. I met some players and started playing in some mini around the area (Turner Park, Lake Lewisville, Veterans and Audoban) I played in the open division and competed well against the competition. I placed in a few minis which gave me the confidence to sign up for so C tier and B tier tournaments. I will go over my experience in those tournaments down the line. I decided to get my PDGA membership and play as a Pro. I plan on learning from better players to hopefully excel my game and making me a top competitor down the line. My goal is to become a Pro, help expand the sport, and to help evolve the sport in any way I can.

I will be doing an in my bag and I will continue to update my bag contents as time goes on. I will also be doing some disc reviews/comparisons. Comparing plastics, shapes, different styles. I recently switched most of my discs to Discmania so I will be helping spread the word on why I feel these discs are better than the rest. The company had me at "reinvent your game," and that is exactly what I have done and I want to help others reinvent their own games.

I am a Discmaniac.

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