

Monday, January 4, 2016

A New Year

A crazy ending to 2015. I didn't keep up with my blog and that was a disappointing piece of 2015. I really wanted to keep putting my thoughts down so I could look back and keep myself from taking any steps back, which is basically what happened... I have been finding myself again holding myself to a high standard and not having as much fun when I play and I couldn't understand why. I know I am playing my best when I am happy and joking around, but I lost sight of that and expected perfection from myself. It was a fundamental downfall to my recent play. I have done some incredible things and some atrocious things on the course . I have never missed more 20 footers in my life, all because of lack of focus and concentration, but most importantly lack of FUN.  I can't tell you how crazy a difference it makes when you just change the wording of your self talk. I went from using the words 'don't', 'bad' and 'worst' to using words like 'do', 'good' and 'better.' These really helped translate my overall mood. I would look to motivate myself more rather than bring myself down. The best times I have had are when I look at a shot and throw a shot that normally nobody ever takes, I commonly say before I throw 'Most fun wins, right?' and that just eases my mind and helps me enjoy what I am doing. I realize I am jumping around a ton but the moral of the story is just have FUN. Enjoy this beautiful game, each and every throw. I lost it for a moment but I now realize that I won't let it go again. Thank you Tina for helping me find this again, you're the best.

Wrapping up the end of 2015, I played a handful of tournaments and did some great things and some not so great things. I had an absolute blast just getting out and enjoying my days. I have now settled into a job in California working for Discmania and I couldn't be happier. The opportunities are endless and I can't wait to see what comes next. I plan on hitting plenty of tournaments and putting in more time and effort to practice and overall health.

Look forward to more posts and videos.

Let me know what you guys want to hear about next.


Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. Remember to have the Most Fun and keep those PutterPants on. Hope you enjoyed it. Cheers!

Sidenote: Thanks to my new sponsor Deuce Squad! So pumped for the Squadmania collaboration!

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