

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

To Play or Not to Play?

There a handful of B and C tier tournaments coming up, and I find myself wanting to play in each one. I feel if I want to take a step in that direction it would be for good, but at the same time a part of me wants to continue to develop my game with more practice.

The last tournament I played in I had been diagnosed with the Influenza two days before the start. So I didn't feel as confident going in as I could have been. I felt like it was going to be a good choice with Texas showing some of its nicer weather of the year, but in good old Texas fashion it went from 80 degrees to 40s and 50s within a day. It was a wet weekend and with already being sick my focus couldn't stay on the course and my play. With all of that I decided to drop which is something I never would do but I honestly couldn't put out my best golf in my condition.

I feel as if I need to get on a solid run of playing consistent golf, lately that hasn't been the case. I have played some incredible rounds and some awful rounds, but I do feel everything is moving in the right direction. Learning to handle and mange the rounds that are not going my way and try and make them positive. Taking things shot by shot and learning to forget a bad break and just continue to play. Maybe a bit more time and playing in smaller competitive play would help me develop before I immerse myself into playing in a string of tournaments. At the same time what better way to learn than dive in and test myself, I either crumble and learn or I rise to the occasion and ride that high. This is my dilemma and soon enough I will be trying to play a tournament at every weekend but we will see. Gotta keep throwing and practicing to get where I want to be.

Check me out on Instagram @theericoakley


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I'm Back!

It has been a solid couple of years away from playing the game consistently. With work, injuries and a few other minor set backs, I am making a push to become a professional player. I picked up on Instagram and started a daily Disc Golf post to ensure I get out and play every day to try and better myself and reinvent my game. Check me out @theericoakley. I am on 80 days right now and will try and keep that running as long as I can.

Something that feels different than last time is I am putting much more time into practicing rather than playing constant rounds of golf. Putting focus into certain areas of my game to improve and fine tune. My midranges and putters have seen the most practice, I never felt comfortable throwing them before, but now if I can toss out a midrange or a putter it really helps lower my score.

Getting into a set putting style has been troubling, I have stuck with the P Line P2 with its consistency in the wind and feel in my hand I don't feel as if I am going to miss many putts. I feel as if I pitch/push putt and it has increased my consistency on the course and reduced my bad holes entirely.

Remember to go follow me on instagram and keep on throwing. Thanks for reading.
