

Friday, July 22, 2016

Everything is Different

Ever since GBO and FSO everything feels so different. People are treating me very different, from other players to the people I meet in passing. It is such an incredible feeling to know that I actually belong here. I even feel different with how I play, there is a different feeling of confidence in my play. I know what I can and can't do. I know that I can still get better, and I am not going to stop here. I have it very good, I am lucky to be able to see so many different places, but there is a part of it that no one sees that is chewing me up on the inside. That feeling fades almost immediately when I throw a true putt, pure a line, or park an upshot. Disc Golf still gives me that incredible feeling that this is something special and I want to continue to share that with everyone.

Fort Steilacoom Open, what a ride. This is a tournament that I had watched videos and heard about but I didn't know what to expect going in. You can ask anyone who saw me playing leading up to FSO that I didn't look my best at all. I didn't feel good, I had a lot going on personally, but for whatever reason with the poor play, distractions, and it being my birthday weekend, that I was able to completely zone out and find a really good groove. That groove basically was me having zero expectations, having zero worries, and feeling zero pressure, I have found out this is when I play my best. It for whatever reason works for me and I have been using it going forward and has helped me improve a great deal. I was lucky enough to get to play with Chris Waugh in my first round, a incredibly talented local player, I knew if I kept pace with him I would be just fine. I ended up finishing out with the hot round. The entire round I never knew what my score was, I just kept playing and having fun enjoying the fact that I was playing disc golf. So I've been here before, leading the tournament after the first round, I had felt the pressure before and I let it take me, but I still had the zero mentality going. Starting the second round I knew this course was going to play a little bit more difficult because of the OB so the scrambling game was out the window. But I really didn't think much about it and was ready to have some fun playing with some awesome dudes. I threw OB on my very first throw.... I laughed threw my upshot and took my 4 like a champ. I bounced back well and kept cruising through the rest of the round with a good attitude even when I took a bad break. I found a good stretch through the middle but thought nothing of it, I knew I was having fun. Finished with a hiccup but it was all good, I saw the scores and realized I had done just fine and had extended my lead from two to three. My good friend Jared Roan managed to come in hot and was going to add some pressure to the final round, but I couldn't have had someone better to push me. I still had the zero mentality but I was feeling a ton of pressure, because this was a situation I had not been in before. Every single throw I felt pressure, but the one thing I didn't do was think. I let me instincts kick in and allow me to execute shots I could. I blocked my mind from entering the situation. I was also very thankful to have a gallery following, they ended up being the best distraction for me, allowing me to act like a goon and brush off any negative vibes. Hole 8 was the moment that I realized that I had what it took to win the tournament. The hole is a long very wooded tunnel, that isn't birdied often. I missed the tunnel and kicked to the left side and felt there was no real chance of saving a 3. I looked at the lines I had to possibly get to the basket and executed a shot that gave me a putt, I stepped up and and hit the putt. That moment sticks out more than any as I felt like I was going to win. The only time I ever looked at the scorecards all weekend was after my drive on 18. I started doing some math in my head and the only way someone was going to catch me from the other cards on the course was to shoot the course record or break the course record. I laid up my putt and tapped in for the win. That feeling still brings me goosebumps, but that wasn't the part that meant the most, the amount of people who personally reached out to me over the next few weeks was crazy. Those comments and support meant so much, I can't even describe how good it felt to feel so supported. Thank you to anyone who took the time reach out, it really touched me and has helped me incredibly. The funny part about winning and beating Jared in the end is that we had been competing a ton in tournaments before with Jared always coming out on top. Jared told me that if I was going to beat him I would have to win the tournament, and here we are. Without him and all the other people who have pushed me I wouldn't have been able to do what I have done. A huge shout out goes to Dustin Marx, Dustin Marx Jr. and Jr's Mom, you guys made the experience incredible! Thanks to Simon, Eagle, Tina and everyone who helped push me everyday! Enough about this! Thanks again to everyone! If you want to catch some of the round coverage from FSO check out NWDG (

I am not sure what else to say honestly. I am so happy with how well this season has gone. I see my hard work paying off, and I am not ready to stop yet. If you want something bad enough and you are willing to work hard for it, you can make it happen. There will be plenty of moments where you feel like you should give up or change, don't! You can make it happen. My dad said this to me and it is something that will stay with me forever, 'Hard work works' this will stay with me along with 'fino alla fine' which means 'to the end' in Italian. These phrases have always stuck out when things just don't seem to be working but the small reminders motivate me to making it work and pursuing through the harder times.

Thanks to all of my sponsors. Discmania, Booom, Whale Sacs, Deuce Squad, and Launchpad.

The FSO win was for everyone I have met playing disc golf, I feel like this was not only a win for me but a win for anyone who wants to make it in this sport. Thanks again for reading and remember to keep those PutterPants on and have the Most Fun!

PS: More PutterPants discs are on the way stay tuned!!!!